Less like a pour, more like an EXPLOSION

You know that good 'ol saying, "when it rains it pours"? Well right now when it rains it is an EXPLOSION! SO much is going on right now that I'm literally DIZZY! Over the next 35 days I'll be finishing my thesis and third short animated film, thus completing my MFA degree from UCLA, walking in a cap and gown during my graduation ceremony, I'm saying good-bye to my roomie of the last two and a half years, and possibly hello to a new one, looking for a real job and thus a real life, I'm organizing a festival for over 600 guests including 50 student filmmakers, and so many other things are going on that just pile right on top of all of that.

So it is a lot of change, but lucky for me, I really enjoy change. Out with the old, in with the new! Change is the spice of life, the carpe to your diem, the caffeine in your espresso! It's the point! But also exhausting. I'm going to apply the rules of Karma and Compassion and living in the moment to keep myself from imploding/crashing over the next month plus. Lucky for me, the main vein in all of this is my film, "Falling For You", which so far has been mostly a great joy to work on. I hope to tame my slightly TypeA/OCD-ness in order to complete my film and deal with the rest as it comes.

Visit www.studentgroups.ucla.edu/aso/ to see the Festival of Animation that I am working on organizing at UCLA!
I will prevail, like this adorable little link as found on http://epicWin.FTW.com


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