Artist of the Day: CartoonGirl7 aka MyRollingStar

Joanna is 20 years old, sells her work at conventions, has an art career that blows mine out of the water, and is a Radiological Sciences major in school so she can have a stable life and career. Gahhwahhh!?

Anyway... this girl does Anime style drawings in usually traditional mediums, between studying chemistry and radioactive biology or some **** like that. Good grief. Props to this girl, and this is just my opinion, but honey I think you'd do just fine making yourself a bona-fide well-to-do artist. Props to you though for also enjoying hospitals and... like... radioloicialitistimology or whatever you study.

(Click on any of the works to see their much larger much better versions!)
See her deviantArt page here at CartoonGirl7, and her Tumblr page here at MyRollingStar.

(maybe i should go back to school. I'll get my phD in C++ and hair simulation like the woman from UCLA Math department who worked on Rapunzel. There you go!)


  1. OMFREAKINGOSH!!!!!!!! Her stuff looks straight off the TV. I love it! She must have a super power or something doing all of that!


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